The month of September has been challenging to say the least. Lots has been happening; in the throes of moving; preparing students for the 11 plus; adding the final stages to my ‘Study Skills Proficiency Course’ and having it tested. 
Point 1- Moving 
I’ve moved before many years ago, but at the time the children were younger and I had been made redundant so I was at home, planning and preparing. This time has been different in the sense that, yes the planning started way back in July, as I struggle with, but when you are a managing your business and trying to stay on top of things with boxes surrounding you and organising viewings, and getting items broken down to be dumped and the endless trips to the recycling centre, it does not take much to become irritated at the littlest thing, when knowing that you need to stay calm, focused, and breathe. 
Point 2- 11 Plus Preparation 
My students have worked hard this year as they do each year, and since to converting my tutoring business online, I offer mentoring sessions; one which is fun and the other closer to the tests which comprises of tips for the 11 plus and the do and don’ts on the day; what happens on the day, is what counts. Awaiting results in October is equally stressful and anxious for parents, their children and tutor alike. 
Balancing this situation can be a delicate act at times- as a tutor being all ears for parents and my students as I journey with them through these final months- leading up to the days of the tests. Interestingly enough, it does not matter whether I’ve tutored a sibling, the parent(s) anxiety never depletes. In actual fact it seems to rise. 
Point 3- Study Skills Proficiency Programme 
Along with my designer Dan, we’ve worked really hard over several months to get this course written and structured. Just when I thought it was finalised and I’ve had some very positive feedback and comments about the course, it was suggested that I speak to some professionals before I launch the course; that is when I was stopped dead in my tracks. An accountant who worked within schools asked the question- have you trademarked, sorted the copyright and patented the course? My first thought was ‘What’? What are you talking about? His response was, “If this course is as good as it sounds and you put it into the market place, someone will take the course, rewrite it, take ownership of it and you will not have a leg to stand on”! 
Now I’m required to do research, research and more research and speak to professionals about the legal aspect of protecting the course. On investigation and talking at length to many people, I also realise that not only would I have to apply the brakes on this, it is also going to require an outlay of money to get things in place. 
I’d completed a business course with the Rebel School during the summer and one of the topics seriously discussed was cash flow. If there is one thing we were told that can shut your business down in a nanosecond it is cash flow challenges, and as small businesses we face this situation on a regular basis and COVID truly brought this to the forefront. 
However, I’ll be pushing through until I get all my ducks in a row, and get this course launched successfully as well as get other aspects of my life in sync. 
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