Returning to Normal? 
My clients have a sense of relief now that their children have returned to school, and the children likewise are happy to be back to school, being able to see their friends and return to some form of normality. One of my students said that during the early stages of lockdown she quite enjoyed being at home and did not want to return to school in a hurry. After a few weeks of being at home, she admitted that being at home was boring with the same routine-day in and day out- and she could not wait to get back to school.  
For some students being at home proved beneficial and although many parents struggled in the early days of lockdown, some appreciated being able to get involved in helping with their children’s school work and building those stronger relationships between parent and child- as a friend stated, building those memories. 
I think we have all learned a lot about ourselves and our character, realising that we are stronger than we think and are survivors, moreso during these strange times- our characters have been tested beyond measure in many ways. We have lost family members, businesses have been impacted on negatively-some having to completely shut down while others have had to make changes in a new direction. 
Each one of us will have a story to tell the next generation as the previous did about the war; we will be educating them about the COVID-19 war, and how we survived it. We will be part of history, with generations to come reading about the world in crisis. Each individual story will be unique and a small piece of the larger puzzle. 
So what is the next stage as we move out of lockdown fatigue and towards regulations easing and then subsequently coming to an end? What things have you learnt about yourself that will help you with this transition; things may and will be strange initially but a welcome relief. I’m sure the first thing on most people’s mind is a haircut, a manicure or even a pedicure; doing something for yourself to lift your spirits. And as the weather changes, this definitely will make a difference- having longer days- and the temperature increasing, although as I look out my window today I’m seeing rain. 
What things can we be grateful for? 
- Family 
- Friends 
- An opportunity to make changes in our lives and realise –perhaps- that what we thought used to be important, for certain is not 
- Building loving relationships 
- The things we actually don’t need- as they are just things 
- Getting involved in charitable work 
- Looking out for the vulnerable 
- Being kind- listening- saying a kind word to lift someone else up who may be going through troubling times 
The list could go on and with be personal to each of us. I’m sure we have all learnt something positive as well as negative. Let the positive shine through and make a point of making a difference in how we act, what we say and what we do. Hopefully the world will become a kinder place as a result of the experiences we have all faced in the last 12 months. 
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