Posted on 19th April 2021
Do Something Different
Yesterday was my first day back to church, physically, since lockdown in December, 2020. It was wonderful to be back worshiping with other members of the congregation, albeit, hand sanitizing, social distancing, wearing masks, and no singing. It felt great to be back in the building- although a building does not make church. In the past few months, church has been on Zoom, which is and has been an alternative to no church at all but definitely not the same as seeing and being in the presence of other church members. What I will say is that attending church in person brought about a kind of euphoria; speaking to people, talking the old and new members and enjoying the general ambiance and atmosphere. I arrived home feeling lighter and happier.
So, can a small change bring significant transformation? Indeed it can, even when it comes to work and study? At times it is easy to get into a rut and sit in it a bit too long, knowing that you need to make a change but not having the motivation to do it. You tend to feel better after you’ve done some exercise, but being motivated initially to exercise in the first instance is sometimes a challenge- the getting started syndrome- I’m sure we’ve all experienced that at some point in time.
Small Changes Can Bring Significant Transformation
What should that change look like?
Just do something different, if it works do more of it and if it does not do something else. It may be something like changing the time you study, but first knowing if you work best in the morning, afternoon or evening. If you know the time you are most effective you can arrange your time to suit.
How do you start to make a small change?
Just start; once you’ve identified what the change will be do it immediately.
How do you know if the change will make a positive difference?
You will know when you see the benefit. I work best in the morning; but I can be creative in the evening. If I have to write some text, I will always re-read and edit it in the early morning when my brain is at its sharpest. My most productive hours are anytime from 7am- 12pm. If your change produces a negative effect, take note and readdress the situation and look at an alternative.
Many successful people have had more failures than successes. It’s about not giving up, believing in yourself and making a start. Change is inevitable and will happen with or without our permission. It is better to be prepared and plan than not be prepared and become overwhelmed and fail by default.
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