Developing Key Skills 
Problem-solving, critical thinking and interacting socially are all skills developed through play, whether supervised or unsupervised. Children enjoy themselves when they are playing and without realising or thinking about it, they are learning and developing key skills. 
Developing Cognitive and Social Skills 
I remember when my children were younger and their cousins would visit; monopoly was the board game to play. As adults listening into the conversation, there were always loud debates about who did not bank the money correctly or someone buying the most expensive hotel or even hear…… is cheating. They were left to sort it out among themselves. These are debating and communication skills that children carry into their adulthood. Through play children encounter different situations which require them to think critically and come up with solutions. It can be as simple as working out the strategies of a board game or building an object using Lego. 
Play Improves Physical Growth 
Play presents a child with challenges which develops their cognitive skills; engages them in active play whilst having fun; teaches them to explore, plan and implement their ideas. Play also encourages the ability to switch between different ideas and perspectives. Play not only creates fun, but also strengthens children physically whilst improving their gross and motor skills. This is seen clearly in babies when they begin to crawl and then walk and use their nimble fingers to grab toys or touching and tasting anything and everything whilst attempting to crawl or walk away quickly when they know they are being/have been naughty.  
The transition also from crawling to walking is huge. As children get older, physical play builds their muscles, endurance, coordination and agility. This improves and challenges their physical abilities and progresses their suppleness and balance needed for when they start learning to ride a bike. 
Emotional and Sensory Development 
Play also plays a major role in supporting a child’s emotional development. Children learn to develop empathy, build strong connections between each other and they learn to manage their emotions and connections with other children and adults. 
Children’s senses can be stimulated through playing in sand, water and feeling and touching different textures and materials. This strengthens and develops their sensory processing skills. 
Play Within an Educational Setting 
Within education, although there is a strong leaning towards academic achievement, educational games and activities can be used to incorporate play-based learning in a fun, enjoyable and interactive way to support certain learning objectives. Learning and play can be established through group projects, where children have to research and discuss ideas, develop teamwork, understand how to cooperate and communicate with each other- skills that will be crucial in all aspects of their lives and in developing positive relationships with their school peers. 
By prioritising play in the home and in an educational setting, as educators be it a parent or teacher, we create an environment for children to learn through fun and in a way that is interactive and enjoyable. By encouraging play, we can help our children to flourish academically, emotionally and socially, foster a child’s curiosity and creativity and boost their critical thinking skills. 
If you want to discuss tuition or have questions about your child's education, contact Tutoristic on 07855195846, alternatively leave a comment below. 
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